Wednesday, March 11, 2015

2 page Thesis Proposal: Why youth are leaving the church

I would like to look at the significance and relevance the production, legalization, and popularity of alcohol, drugs, pornography, and gay marriage has on the youth leaving the church. I would like to look back at some statistics and determine at what point in time, alcohol was becoming prominent in common households as well as readily available to youth. I would like to also look at church records and determine statistics as to church attendance and membership records. Common in today’s society is the trend of removing you name from the church. Why is this? And what is causing this? As I look to the youth in all churches today, I see reoccurring trends that lead me to believe that the consistent decline in church attendance has to do with the world and expectations places on the youth today. When looking to legalizing gay marriage and what an outburst that has caused. I feel like the number of gay people in the world today has dramatically increased over the past 10-20 years. Why is that? Are there more than there ever have been? Or is the sudden shift in mentality, and acceptability in society, allowing more people to express themselves freely? I would like to look at some statistics of numbers concerning gay people, comparing the 2000’s to earlier 1900’s and see the difference. I should also like to acquire as to what years in particular the change happened, and what were some particular events in those years that could have affected it. Looking to legalizing drugs, I would also like to see which decades were more prominent among youth for drug use. Which drugs were prominent, and the qualities of each drug. Some drugs are known for getting high, some or for numbing purposes, anti-depressants, and other reasons. I would like to correlate the reasoning behind these drugs with possible explanations as to what is causing these teens to leave the church. I’ve seen in my little experience, teens leaving the church because they don’t want to be judged, they don’t want accountability, “they only live once,” they don’t want to be controlled by their parents, they don’t need a “church” to be a good person, “God will look at my heart, and if I’m nice to people, that’s all that matters,” “the church is too judgmental, we spout the idea of charity, but all we do is judge.” There are many mentalities that I have run into, which all seem to have an underlying factor. Is it laziness, self-doubt, rebelliousness, denial, desire not to be notices for their actions, and furthermore “judged” or held accountable? What are some of the effects that could be manipulating this way of thinking? In society today, a common phrase is “you only live once,” this is a little phrase that is often spoken among friends in the most critical moment of our teen lives. The moment we make stupid decisions. Drugs, alcohol, pornography, gay tendencies, sex, dangerous activities; all of these critical moments in life where we have the opportunity to make and important choice, our teens are submitting to the pressures of Satan and heeding to the words of the world “you only live once” this sentence seems to give comfort to those who want to live in the moment, even though most of them have been raised to know that we, indeed do NOT only live once, and are therefore accountable for the actions of this life. I believe these teens are in denial, and are in a self-loathing state, where they are willing to do anything, in order to make them feel good about themselves, instead of turning to the teachings of the Lord. The Lord has laid out his plan so clearly through the scriptures, teachings of the prophets, and revelation. Why then to youth who were raised in the church and taught the correct way to obtain happiness, turn to these addicting, damaging, and manipulating sources for happiness? There are many reasons for this. I would like to examine and study the reasoning behind these drugs. I estimate that it is due to laziness, desire to fit in, rebellion, and curiosity. A testimony of Christ takes time, and energy. In order to gain happiness from the gospel of Jesus Christ you must have patience, faith, and determination. In many cases, I have seen that this is too much to ask of teens. They don’t desire the time it takes to accomplish the happiness promised from the gospel, instead they turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, and pornography. Why then do they turn to these things to find joy? Instead of more wholesome activities, although still not spiritual? Is it the grasp Satan has on the world? Are we submitting ourselves to Satan? Do we know it? Are we aware of it? And if we recognized it, would we want to change? In this research paper I would like to draw conclusions as to what is causing youth to leave the church, through evidences of statistics in growth of substance abuse and other addictions, and the time table of each during the time of rapid change. 

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