Thursday, January 8, 2015

Opinion Editorial Ideas

Many people undermine golf as being a sport. When people ask me if I play sports and I say golf, often the reaction is "oh," and my reaction is "can YOU play golf?" I think people sneer at golf and don't consider it a sport because it doesn't require extreme physical exertion. It is true that golf can be played by all walks of people not requiring ample physical stamina, however it requires skill and discipline levels that match those of popular sports like basketball, baseball, and football. Golf requires many hours of dedicated practice just as any sport. It takes concentration and  dedication to rules, regulations, techniques etc... Golf requires skill, discipline, physical ability, coordination, flexibility, endurance, emotional control, distance perception, mathematical skills, and much more. Not to mention the patience to play through rain, snow, sleet and hail.

Another thing that frustrates me about today's society, is genetically modified food. Its basically impossible to purchase any meat at any big name grocery store, that hasn't been genetically modified. vegetables aren't even safe. Planters and farmers, now spray pre-immune crops with poison to kill insects and to preserve the plant, although these plants are susceptible to the toxins, and will not die, our bodies are not. While thinking we are eating healthy by consuming fruits and vegetables, we unknowingly are consuming poison, that is slowly killing our bodies, and creating intolerance's like, celiac disease, gluten intolerance and many more. Wheat, flour, sugar, corn, rice, chicken, diary products, beef. all of these are foods that are designed to benefit our bodies and give us energy. In their pure forms, each of these are healthy. However, today citizens have to search out private providers and independent companies to obtain any of these foods that aren't genetically modified, or pumped with toxic preservatives. Often, Because the natural production rate of pure foods is much slower and less in quantity, the prices for these non altered foods, are more expensive, and can therefore only be obtained by those citizens with the money and knowledge of such providers, leaving the majority of people left with cheap toxic food that is slowly damaging our bodies.


  1. Golf is extremely tiring! I had the same sarcastic tone towards golf until I worked at a golf driving range. Holy cow! Golf is difficult to learn and very physically demanding.

  2. I understand how you feel when people say golf isn't hard... I get that all the time with tennis. Golf is unbelievably hard and is definitely a sport!

    I'm also relieved that there's someone else out there who cares about GMOs in our foods! I watched a documentary on GMOs a while back, I forgot what it was called, but it scared me to death!
