Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sample Opinion Editorials

On a smaller detail note, I thought the title "A Miniskirt, Even With Leggings, Is Still A Miniskirt" failed to introduce, strengthen, or support her paper. It was relevant to her topic, but she didn't mention a miniskirt once in her paper. She could have chosen a more relevant title. I thought her paper was thought invoking, and persuaded me to be thankful of the circumstances we have now, compared to when she attended BYU her first time. I appreciated that she took an obligation stance rather than a moral stance. She made it more of a regulation to be followed because you agreed to it when you decided to attend the school, instead of a standard of living for those who are holy.

"A Kiss-Less Campus" was an interesting paper. I agree that some people's display of affection is nauseating - some more than others. However, I think she fails to realize that that is is part of life! No matter what college you attend you will see PDA! And frankly she should be thankful that she is at BYU and seeing generally innocent displays of affection.

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