Friday, March 20, 2015

Fairy Tale Lecture (Little Red Riding Hood)

She wrote an adapted story about the Little Red Riding hood, she changed some significant things, but I though she creatively incorporated her new ideas. It was a little more gruesome, and “adult” if you will, but it was interesting none the less. She wrote a lot in second person, which was interesting because it allowed you to see into the minds of the characters. She wrote in the mind of the wolf, which was interesting, considering most versions of this story I have heard are in Red’s perspective. It was interesting to hear his thoughts and his perspective, it gave new light on the character. Over all her characters were in more depth, and allowed for dynamic villains and inspiring heroines! Here descriptions were very detailed and didn't leave too much to the imagination, she basically spelled it out. However, I was impressed with her sentence structure. I felt like each sentence was delicately crafted and had some sort of hidden meaning. Her use of metaphors was good, and interesting. I felt like she used a lot of metaphors which created not only the imagery she was giving us, but the imagery of the thing she was comparing it to. While listening to her story, I didn’t feel like I was reading a book necessarily but I felt like I was being told a very visual story. Over all I thought she did a great job, and provided me with a new style of writing I have never experienced. I thought she was creative and innovative, as well as original. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why Youth are Leaving the Church (opening paragraph)

Why are youth leaving the church? What is causing this new influx of inactivity? Church leaders everywhere are asking this question, wondering why youth are starting to leave the church. I would like to convey the message, that this is no new trend. Looking to the scriptures we can see youth leaving the church all throughout time. Either falling into transgression, false sense of security, forgetting the Lord their God, or falling into forbidden paths; we can see there are many factors for youth leaving the church. Searching the scriptures, identifying these situations, and linking them with modern day problems, we can detect why youth are leaving the church today. God, being a loving and merciful God, never gives us a trial he hasn’t also provided a way and a law that will guide us through in righteousness. Figuring out why the youth are leaving the church and determining how to bring them back, I believe the best place to look for answers is in the scriptures; the word of God. Through Gods plan of happiness, and the paths he has shown us through the example of our ancestors we can identify exactly how to convert our youth, and keep them living in righteousness.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

"DrugFacts: High School and Youth Trends." DrugFacts: High School and Youth Trends. National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 Dec. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2015. <>.

This article is showing the statistics of drug use among teenagers. It talks about specific drugs, and the rates at which they are being used. It goes into depth about each drugs and the popularity among adolescents. This article shows the top drugs used by teens at certain age groups. It also shows that over the past 2 decades drug use among teenagers has decreased. Going back to the 1990’s we see that drug abuse and alcohol consumption has decreased.
This article is interesting to me, and is valuable to my topic because it gives valuable information that is contrary to what I would have expected. When approaching my stance I was planning on showing that the statistics of drug and alcohol use would grow as the church attendance among youth would decrease. However to my surprise I was wrong. I would like to use this information to narrow my topic, answer some questions, and assumptions made my religious leaders and really get down to why the youth are leaving the church. If it doesn’t correlate with drug use, what is it?

Call, Vaughn R. A., and Tim B. Heaton. "Religious Influence on Marital Stability." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 36, No. 3 (Sep., 1997), pp. 382-392 Print. Wed. 13 Mar. 2015.

This article discusses the influence religion and church attendance has on marriages. It talks about how living religiously can help a relationship, and strengthen family. It also talks about the difference between harmonious marriages and functioning marriages. It looks into the effects of different forms of worship and different religions and how certain traditions, and rituals are effective in different ways.  
I would like to look at the parents of the teens leaving the church. Is there a contributing factor caused by the parents that is casing youth to leave the church. Questioning this, I looked to divorce rates, which many would say have increased, but have they really? Is divorce a strong contributing factor of youth leaving the church? I would like to use this article to see how couples can incorporate religion into their relationship, and if stable parents who are both religious could contribute to our youth attendance and solve some of these problems we are facing!

Shattuck, Kelly. "7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America." CHURCH LEADERS Lead Better Every Day, 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2015. <>.

They conclude in this article that church attendance is in fact much less than has been advertised. It tells that over the past 30-40 years church attendance has drastically decreased. Why are the statistics unreliable? In this article they talk about what they call the “halo” effect; which basically means over dramatizing the good and minimizing the bad. Therefore when taking surveys, people are more willing to say they attend church most of the time, rather than admit they are addicted to alcohol.
This article is valuable to my research, because it shows that church attendance has in fact been declining. It also gives me new light to my research and my statistical findings, to know that obviously not all statistics are accurate, but even those with good sources and background, can be untrue due to people and their dishonesty, denial, or self-preservation. I would like to analyze this article and use it to help me determine why church attendance has decreased, what years were most noticeable, and what is causing people to be shameful about their attendance or lack thereof.  

"Prescription Drug Abuse Facts - What Is Prescription Drug Abuse? - Drug-Free World." Prescription Drug Abuse Facts - What Is Prescription Drug Abuse? - Drug-Free World. Foundation for a Drug-Free World. Web. 13 Mar. 2015. <>.

This website is set up to give the facts about all kinds of drugs. It lists the origin and history of each licit and illicit drug. It gives the effects for short term and long term. It gives reasoning behind the drugs and what they were intended to be used for. They inform readers of the addictive properties and all things that are harmful when taking drugs. This website goes through all the details anyone would want to know about taking drugs, and what to expect.
                This website is extremely valuable to my research. As I read about each drug I gathered the reasoning behind why people take these drugs. By using this information I can better understand the problems these people are facing that they are trying to overcome, and therefore turn to drugs instead of wholesome help. After reading the reasoning behind these drugs I found some numbing qualities, telling me that kids want to escape from life. I also found quickly stimulating drugs telling me that kids may be looking for excitement or need a rush in their lives. As I analyze the needs and emotional desires of these kids, and why they turn to these drugs instead of things that bring real happiness, this article will be a useful source to me.

Dimock, Michael. "Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing Demographics." Pew Research Center for the People and the Press RSS., 20 Mar. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2015. <>.

                This article gives statistics of people who are now supporting gay marriage. In comparison to past years, the rate of acceptance is much higher. It goes through the percentage of different reasoning’s as to why people are more open to it. A large percent of people support it because they know a friend who is gay who they wish to support. Other reasons differ from, “the times are changing, and so must we” and “I don’t care what they do, everyone should have equal rights.” Looking to the lowest percentage of reasons, we see that it has to do with religious affiliation.
                I would like to use this article in my paper, to show that there are many reasons why people are more supportive of gay marriage these days, however the lowest percentage on that list is affiliated with religion. I take from this, that the lowest supporter of gay marriage is religious people. Therefore, I would like to ask the question; are youth leaving the church because they feel that religious people should be supportive of gay people just like the rest of the world? And furthermore, do youth feel that the world is more Christian like, for accepting others, than their fellow church goers who turn their back to it? A close friend of mine, who recently left the church after being a member for 17 years, told me that she didn’t need the church to be a good person, in fact, people outside of the church are often more welcoming and accepting of others. I would like to use this mentality and expand on it.

Smith, Joseph. "Alma 24." The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981. Print.

Looking in the Book of Mormon, there are 3 scriptures that explain members leaving the church. Alma 23:6 talks about the conversion of the Lamanites. Because they were converted to the teachings of Christ they were strong and loyal to their savior. Alma 24:30 talks about youth who have been taught the faith all their lives but later leave because of transgression. Those who once had the love of Christ in their lives are now far more bitter and hateful towards the church than those who never had a knowledge of it. 1 Nephi 8:28 talks about those who have just tasted the fruit of life, but suddenly fall away into forbidden paths because of the scorn of their fellow man.

We see hundreds of examples in the scriptures of people falling into transgression and falling away from the church. These scriptures offer many different reasons for why people are leaving the church, and I believe they refer strongly to youth. Alma 23:6 states “Lamanites… were converted unto the Lord, and never did fall away” I believe that youth in the church today are leaving because they have never been truly converted to Christ. You hear hundreds of times, “I went to church cause my parents made me” or “I never really had a testimony, I just listened to my parents” I believe there is action we can take to truly convert our youth to the teachings of Christ. Alma 24:30 “And thus we can plainly discern, that after a people have been once enlightened by the Spirit of God, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallenaway into sin and transgression, they become more hardened, and thus their state becomes worse than though they had never known these things.” I would like to analyze this scenario along with my statistics about drugs, alcohol, pornography etc… youth are falling into transgression and falling away from the church. What kinds of transgressions are swarming our youth today, and what can we do about it? 1 Nephi 8:28 “And after they had tasted of the fruit they were ashamed, because of those that were scoffing at them; and they fell away into forbidden paths and were lost.” Growing up we are taught not to give in to peer pressure. But how big of a problem is it really? If we were to talk to youth in the church how many would actually say they left because of peer pressure? This is what I would like to research. The view of the world and the potent desire to fit in; could it be causing youth to leave the church? 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

2 page Thesis Proposal: Why youth are leaving the church

I would like to look at the significance and relevance the production, legalization, and popularity of alcohol, drugs, pornography, and gay marriage has on the youth leaving the church. I would like to look back at some statistics and determine at what point in time, alcohol was becoming prominent in common households as well as readily available to youth. I would like to also look at church records and determine statistics as to church attendance and membership records. Common in today’s society is the trend of removing you name from the church. Why is this? And what is causing this? As I look to the youth in all churches today, I see reoccurring trends that lead me to believe that the consistent decline in church attendance has to do with the world and expectations places on the youth today. When looking to legalizing gay marriage and what an outburst that has caused. I feel like the number of gay people in the world today has dramatically increased over the past 10-20 years. Why is that? Are there more than there ever have been? Or is the sudden shift in mentality, and acceptability in society, allowing more people to express themselves freely? I would like to look at some statistics of numbers concerning gay people, comparing the 2000’s to earlier 1900’s and see the difference. I should also like to acquire as to what years in particular the change happened, and what were some particular events in those years that could have affected it. Looking to legalizing drugs, I would also like to see which decades were more prominent among youth for drug use. Which drugs were prominent, and the qualities of each drug. Some drugs are known for getting high, some or for numbing purposes, anti-depressants, and other reasons. I would like to correlate the reasoning behind these drugs with possible explanations as to what is causing these teens to leave the church. I’ve seen in my little experience, teens leaving the church because they don’t want to be judged, they don’t want accountability, “they only live once,” they don’t want to be controlled by their parents, they don’t need a “church” to be a good person, “God will look at my heart, and if I’m nice to people, that’s all that matters,” “the church is too judgmental, we spout the idea of charity, but all we do is judge.” There are many mentalities that I have run into, which all seem to have an underlying factor. Is it laziness, self-doubt, rebelliousness, denial, desire not to be notices for their actions, and furthermore “judged” or held accountable? What are some of the effects that could be manipulating this way of thinking? In society today, a common phrase is “you only live once,” this is a little phrase that is often spoken among friends in the most critical moment of our teen lives. The moment we make stupid decisions. Drugs, alcohol, pornography, gay tendencies, sex, dangerous activities; all of these critical moments in life where we have the opportunity to make and important choice, our teens are submitting to the pressures of Satan and heeding to the words of the world “you only live once” this sentence seems to give comfort to those who want to live in the moment, even though most of them have been raised to know that we, indeed do NOT only live once, and are therefore accountable for the actions of this life. I believe these teens are in denial, and are in a self-loathing state, where they are willing to do anything, in order to make them feel good about themselves, instead of turning to the teachings of the Lord. The Lord has laid out his plan so clearly through the scriptures, teachings of the prophets, and revelation. Why then to youth who were raised in the church and taught the correct way to obtain happiness, turn to these addicting, damaging, and manipulating sources for happiness? There are many reasons for this. I would like to examine and study the reasoning behind these drugs. I estimate that it is due to laziness, desire to fit in, rebellion, and curiosity. A testimony of Christ takes time, and energy. In order to gain happiness from the gospel of Jesus Christ you must have patience, faith, and determination. In many cases, I have seen that this is too much to ask of teens. They don’t desire the time it takes to accomplish the happiness promised from the gospel, instead they turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, and pornography. Why then do they turn to these things to find joy? Instead of more wholesome activities, although still not spiritual? Is it the grasp Satan has on the world? Are we submitting ourselves to Satan? Do we know it? Are we aware of it? And if we recognized it, would we want to change? In this research paper I would like to draw conclusions as to what is causing youth to leave the church, through evidences of statistics in growth of substance abuse and other addictions, and the time table of each during the time of rapid change. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Style Academy 4

This exercise was actually really helpful. I remember learning all of these things in Jr. High, but it is nice to look back at them and really understand what’s going on. Although we may understand the idea of sentence construction, I feel like it is difficult to remember all the rules while writing. I appreciated how he explained the situation, and made everything clear. I think this exercise will help improve my writing in many ways. Last time I looked at the style academy lesson pertaining to colons and semi-colons. I think understanding phrases and clauses could also help identify that. Looking at the dependent and the independent clauses, we can better decipher where to add punctuation and other things. By using these rules and tools, we can construct more effective sentences, and write more intelligently.
Phrase or Claus
For each group of words below, indicate whether the group is a phrase or a clause.
Phrase                    clause                on the front porch steps
Phrase                    clause                after the dinner party
Phrase                    clause                we ate peas and carrots

Phrase                    clause                after running to the store

Friday, February 13, 2015

American Justice and Divine Mercy Rhetorical Analysis Thesis

I really enjoyed this piece. The first time I read it, I thought it was a little dramatic, but when I went back and read it taking the stance of his “audience” I was moved by what he had to say. I think Patrick Clark does a marvelous job at persuading “his audience.” I believe that is audience would be mainly Catholic students probably in their late teens and early twenties. Because their minds are still subject to influence and persuasion, I think he does a great job of getting them to think. First, I think his opening line was brilliantly written; “here are just a couple of scattered thoughts that have come swirling into my mind…” When we spoke in class, someone said that this diminished his credibility, because he is down playing his himself. However, I think this shows just how smart he really is. It shows that he is a well-respected and intelligent man. By showing his humility and “downplaying” what he has to say right at the beginning, under the surface he is saying “here are some of my recent discoveries and revelations. If you would like to hear them, I would be delighted.” I imagine president Monson in my coming to BYU and saying “I had a revelation last night, would you like to hear it? If not, that’s okay” and every Mormon out there would say “ha-ha of COURSE we want to hear about your revelation! Are you kidding me!?” By downplaying his credibility and his importance, he shows humility which consequently strengthens his credibility. As we find in religious pieces written by prophets, popes, ministers etc. I feel like there are a lot of thought provoking questions that get the reader thinking. He does this in a sneaky way, because he states what he thinks, then asks what the reader thinks – as if they are going to disagree with him, right! If a general authority said “I think going to the movie on Sunday, is probably not the best thing to do. Rather, we should go on a picnic with our family, and enjoy Gods creations. What do you think?” he states what he thinks but turns it back on us! This is a common strategy among religious leaders, and it works! The “guilt trip” or the free agency given, even though you know what you are “supposed” to do. I think the audience would be very receptive to what Patrick Clark has to say. I think he is thought provoking and persuasive and moral, which is something that strikes hard with young religious people. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

"Faith in America" Rhetorical Analysis

Romney's purpose in conveying this message was to show voters who he was as a candidate. He expressed that he - no matter his religion would remain unbiased, and loyal to the constitution. I think his motive in doing this, was to show readers that he would be a just and fair president, but not sacrifice his beliefs to do so. He believes in God, and the Freedom of religion. He believes that God had influence on the founding of this country, and he would like to encourage that. He is appealing to voters, who want a good president who advocates for those who wish to see God brought back into America, instead of shoved under the rug because the idea of God is "offensive, unrealistic, or discriminating."  "Faith in America" I thought he was very persuasive. Probably pertaining to the fact that I am also LDS, and have similar views. I thought he directed a lot of his argument towards Ethos. He used "identifying with the reader" to his advantage, because in this situation, his audience are all the the United States citizens. He identified with the reader, by talking about the founding of the United States. This topic is something every single person living here can relate to, whether were born into freedom, or came here in search of it. The founding is - and should be something that is important to every citizen. He related to them, by adding himself into the mixture and telling the blessings he has received by living in this great nation, and how he plans to continue to strong and reliable government. He also accomplished this by "selecting an appropriate point of view" he told about his wife and his family, and the joy they can have because of freedom of religion. He made it more personal by telling about himself and his family, as well as his beliefs. He appeals to peoples pathos by giving examples of the past. Most Americans respect our founding fathers, and we all know that the founding fathers, had at least a hint of God in their mind while creating this great nation. Romney chose to take this and run with it. I have heard before that the fathers weren't actually religious, but form this Romney chose to portray that they were so. Which, at least for me, brings some sentimental value to his argument, because I can see how they "trusted in God" and it makes me want to do the same, because look how far we have come. He also uses, sad examples of other countries who have tyrants or murderers taking over because of religious prejudices. This appeals to our Pathos because nobody wants death, and sadness, which he described it to be because of religious discrimination, therefore, religious freedom will keep things like that from happening and make us happy. When applying to Logos, I think there were a few flaws in his argument. Looking to "acceptability" I think he forgot a large majority of citizens - atheists (those that don't believe in God) there are a lot of people in the United States that don't believe in God. To those people I can see a lot of holes in his argument. Because his argument was basically centered around God and religion, those that don't believe in God, are instantly cut out of the group, and probably stop reading the minute they hear the word religion. Those people are looking for a president who is completely focused on the government and politics. As was clearly conveyed by Romney, that he wasn't spouting to be something he wasn't, it think he could have tied in some "logical" stances he had that weren't based around "emotion" which is what a lot of people think religion is - its not logical and realistic, it is an emotional decision. I think Romney had some good Logos points, like equality for all, and the right to freedom, which appeal to mostly everyone, but I think he could have stated his opinions in a less biased manner in order to persuade. Not necessarily to convey who he was a a president because he made it clear he was proud to be a Mormon, but in the sole purpose of persuasion, i think he could have been more comprehensive.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis of "Love. It's not found, it's made"

While writing “Love. It’s not found, it’s made” I approached persuasion in three different ways. First, because I was addressing a Mormon populated audience, I decided to incorporate scriptural references and doctrinal issues. This approach corresponds with Pathos, because it appeals to their emotions. Because our religion is so immersed and concerned with emotions, I thought that would be an asset to my argument. I believe looking for an eternal companion is a sensitive matter, as well is individuals and their relationship with God. By using such an intimate example it created an avenue for correction and persuasion. I believed that some people would be moved, and others, totally offended. Which can be considered the nature of the opinion editorial - to cause controversy. However, I think that by using scripture references, and words spoken by general authorities, LDS people reading this, would be persuaded; because we are directed to heed to the words of the prophets. Although my opinion can be argued and possibly supported by other scriptural evidence, I think I used references, and points that are undeniable and widely accepted by the Mormon Church. I also, used examples to convey my opinion through movie quotes. As we all know, people watch movies to be emotionally appeased, therefore by using a movie quote, it would get the reader interested in what I was saying, and hopefully convey my message through emotion. By using a humorous quote, it also added light heartedness to my paper, and engaged the reader.  I also appealed to Logos, by reasoning with the reader, and asking thought provoking questions, that allowed them to rationalize the situation. I also, gave examples of why having a soul mate is unrealistic. My topic was mostly a pathos oriented opinion, however, there are some logos to be found in my argument, and I chose to bring those out in order to more deeply persuade my audience with reality. When approaching ethos, I was a little worried, because I don’t have any more experience with relationships than anyone out there reading this. Which is why I decided to avoid the situation completely and not tie myself into it. By remaining a humble bystander, expressing her opinion, it left the audience to analyze my point of view and take it for what it was, rather than being concerned with who it came from. Instead of questioning everything I had to say because I was just a freshman, I avoided my credibility, and strengthened it by adding suspense and mystery as to who would have such an opinion. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"why can't I stop reading Mormon housewives blogs"

In "Why can't I stop reading Mormon housewives blogs" she appeals to the Ethos by explaining her life compared to that of a Mormon housewife. She explains her life to be sad and dark, then creates the bright and sunny visual of that of a Mormon's lifestyle. She uses a little humor like "I can't believe I would ever say that they are uplifting" at least for Mormons, it plays to our Ethos, because our goal is to inspire people like her! and reading this makes us feel like we are touching peoples souls. She also plays to the Logos, by mentioning prescription drug problems, and how her and her friends are in school building careers, while Mormon women are at home. I think she uses the comparison, to say "which one is better - in the eyes of the world? But which one is better?" the logic is what she has to offer, but i think what she is confused about and why she is even writing this article, is because she herself is confused why such a blog, that doesn't seem to have much "logic" to it, would draw her in so far. she uses her Pathos, by explaining that she is and educated student as well as a consistent blogger. We believe the things she says because she seems intelligent, and well to do in the world. She also seems knowledgeable about her Mormon blogs, because she describes them perfectly!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Opinion Editorial Reflection

I was surprised how much I enjoyed writing this Opinion Editorial! I was expecting it to be a daunting task, but as I started writing, it came quite naturally! I found myself enjoying being passionate about something, and sharing my opinion on something I believe strongly in! I enjoyed the nature of the editorial, allowing us to incorporate tone and voice, which was unique to us! The more laid back style of writing was refreshing and encouraging. I really enjoyed reading through my classmates essays as well! I enjoyed seeing how they wrote and what voice they incorporated, as well as their stances on many very hot topics. writing this opinion editorial actually made me more excited to write, and more open with my opinions! I am really happy I had the opportunity to share my beliefs in such and atmosphere!

Love. It's not found, it's made

Jennifer Bate
2 February 2015
Love, is an achievement. Those who graduate from college, win the super bowl, or lose 50 pounds, don’t say “oh, it just happened” they say “it was worth the time and effort.”  Love requires the same. Many times people search to find their “match” and then give up trying once they are married, because they haven’t learned that love is work! It’s the constant devotion, compassion, patience and showing of your dedication. Although some people may easily click with one another, we must remember, that it doesn't end there. Love isn't something you just happen upon by chance, it’s something you work towards. One thing that we all have in common, is the need and desire to be loved. Those searching for it among the stars, will be sorely disappointed when destiny doesn't show up. Those who look straight forward into the faces of those who surround them and consciously make the decision to create a relationship, just might be surprised how naturally it can come.
Love isn't something to be found. Many believe there is only one person out there meant for them. Hence the terms: soul mate, match, or other half. If there were 20 people living on this earth, I could agree with that. However, there are billions of people on this earth, and finding one in a billion, is reaching for the stars. What if your true love was born across the world? It might take you forever to find them, and your whole life would be deprived of love up until that time. Death is also a fact of life, and unfortunately many people are left alone when their loved one dies. Assuming that we only have one person that is right for us, how sad to think that they should now have to be alone for the rest of their life! What if they were young and just married? It doesn't make sense that there would only be one person on earth meant for you! Those that loved once with all of their heart, but later loved another, can do so, because we can learn to love! I believe you could look into a crowd, and find several people with whom you could build a relationship and develop a love meant for the Gods.
Looking for “the one” is unrealistic. The goal is to look for “one,” one that will make you happy, one that will love you through thick and thin, one you can devote yourself to, and grow together through time and all eternity. Notice that all of those things aren't easy. Loving someone through thick and thin, isn't always a stroll in the park, it takes sacrifice. Devoting yourself to someone, means being there for them, and supporting them in all they do. Growing together takes patience and understanding. Of course mutual attraction is another important component, but once you have established that, learn to love them and enjoy your time together.
In the Mormon culture, I see people confuse destiny with the power of God. Some believe that we have a match that was designed in heaven, and it is our mission on earth to find that person, through guidance and confirmation by the Holy Spirit. And to even take it further, there are those who believe that it is God’s choice. They are waiting for God to tell them who to marry and fully expect to live happily ever after; because of course, it was designed by God. I believe this way of thinking to be dangerous because it takes the responsibility out of our own hands and places it in the hands of God. Our purpose here in this life, is to learn to use our own agency. Many people find themselves well into adulthood without having found a partner, all the while waiting for the Lord to deliver that person to them on a silver platter or “in a dream.”  I believe that God loves us and cares about our lives; and as a loving parent will warn us if we are about to make a big mistake. However, I do not believe God will ever tell us who to marry.
God sent us here on earth to make our own choices. By giving us free agency, he has allowed us to choose for ourselves who we place in our lives. Imagine for a moment that you prayed to God, and he told you who to marry. What if you weren't happy? If the relationship didn't work, the blame would be on God. Of course it would, he told you to marry them. And furthermore, if he told you to marry someone who wasn't right for you, then you are left to assume that God doesn't love you, and doesn't care about your happiness. Therefore, it is unreasonable to think that God is responsible for every person’s marital choice, and their future happiness. It is up to us!
Some of our duties and responsibilities on this earth are to learn to interact with other people, develop relationships, learn to love and serve, and ultimately receive the gift of charity. According to Elder Neal A. Maxwell: "The affection and thoughtfulness required in the home are no abstract exercises in love, no mere rhetoric concerning some distant human cause. Family life is an encounter with raw selfishness, with the need for civility, of taking turns, of being hurt and yet forgiving, and of being at the mercy of others' moods. Family life is a constant challenge, not a periodic performance we can render on a stage and then run for the privacy of a dressing room to be alone with ourselves. The home gives us our greatest chance, however, to align our public and private behavior, to reduce the hypocrisy in our lives—to be more congruent with Christ" (That My Family Should Partake [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1974], p. 3). The Lord has made it clear that we need to receive the gift of charity which is stated in Moroni 7:45 “and charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, beliveth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” Both of these examples sound like a lot of hard work to me. Similarly, love - even romantic love requires the same type of work. It is not simply “falling for someone” but rather investing to create a good relationship with someone you desire, and learning to deal with those everyday interactions, which are sometimes taxing.
In the 1994 movie Only You, a young woman named Faith, is told by a fortune teller that her future husband would be named Damon Bradley. Later in her life, in the midst of an elaborate excursion to find her soul mate, she falls in love with a man named Peter, who does absolutely everything in his power to keep her love. Blinded by the idea of fate, she can’t be with him because his name isn't Damon Bradley; she could never settle for someone knowing that her true love – her “soul mate,” was out there somewhere! Peter states with perfect rationale “This guy, by the way, could be the biggest loser who ever walked the face of the earth. He could be a grump, a jerk, a pervert, a cynic, a man who's mind is infested with dark thoughts, he could be a criminal... he could be... truly sick…  I can't believe you're gonna let a few little letters of the alphabet keep us apart. It is a detail! Just - look, just call me Damon, okay? It'll be like a nickname.” If we wait around to find our “true love” we might pass by someone whom we could be perfectly happy with! Faith almost lost her love because she was blinded by the idea of destiny! As she was leaving him he yelled “why can’t you just accept the fact that I would do anything to keep us together?” The fact is – love isn't something that you find it is something that you make, and luckily for Faith, Peter, understood this concept, and with much difficulty made it happen. Despite the fact that he wasn't her “destiny.”
My goal in writing this is to persuade you to broaden your perspective and stop trying to find a needle in a haystack, instead understand that you can love many people, it just requires a lot of time and investment! Don’t wait to be acted upon by destiny, and don’t wait for God to tell you who to marry; make your own choice and work to develop a wonderful relationship! Your happiness is up to you! If two people are compatible, and are each willing to earn the others love, there can be success. As was described perfectly in Dan in Real Life “love isn't a feeling, it’s an ability.”
Works Cited
Only You. Perf. Marisa Tomei, Robert Downy Jr. TriStar Pictures, Fried/Woods Films,  Yorktown Productions, 1994. DVD.
Dan in Real Life. Perf. Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche. Touchstone Pictures, Focus Features, 2007. DVD.
Smith, Joseph. "Alma Chapter 34." The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi. 34: 27-28. Alma. Salt Lake City, Utah: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981. 294-295.
That My Family Should Partake [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1974], p. 3).

Friday, January 23, 2015

Style Academy Exercises

People who become highly creative and productive, learn to embrace, explore and even learn from their failures.

In the late 1990's, after not being able to see my feet, I made an appointment with a Paris eye doctor. After running some tests, he sent me to buy some glasses. I'd like to blame my choice of frames on the fact that I couldn't see them clearly, or maybe that they were forced upon me. However, neither excuse is true. The truth is, I chose them of my own free will. I thought they made me look smarter and international. The rectangle frames were made of dark plastic and the lenses were not much larger than my eyes. There was something vaguely familiar about them, but I couldn't put my finger on it. After picking them, I spent a great deal of time in front of the mirror. I pretended to share intelligent comments regarding the state of Euro.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Style Academy

I think Style Academy has the potential to be very helpful. I think the videos are very concise and direct. And they force you to do the exercises, that you otherwise wouldn't do on your own. Some of the exercises are really helpful to see how your brain calculated the options vs. what they came up with! I think these lessons can really help in our writing by showing us the process of good construction in writing, and giving us ideas and examples that can help us learn!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Op-Ed funding 2 years of college is a small price to pay to get educated workers

GASCAP assignment

Generalization: He is assuming that the majority of people reading this are those who are concerned with paying for college, and anyone concerned about paying for college is going to favor affordable school!
Analogy: He is comparing Obama's actions to post WWII, when they gave grants for a college education to war veterans. He explains what a difference it made and how this new system can be as successful! 
Sign: He is saying - If we provide schooling for those who are unable to pay now, then we can count on those individuals to develop a good career from the schooling they received, and contribute to society later.
Causality: He states "UC enrolled more than 15,500 community college transfer students...and they enrich our community with their range of backgrounds, experiences and accomplishments."
Principle: He is calling upon peoples morals, to advocate for equality. Every person in this country is the same and should have the same opportunities to succeed, no matter origin or circumstance, 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Love isn't something you find, its something you make.

Love isn't something you find -It’s something you make. BYU, being the dating capital of the universe has its share of couples. How, you may ask did these couples come to be? Many people love the idea of having a beautiful story to tell, how they met their one and only true love. Others are satisfied that they met through mutual friends and it just “worked.” Thinking about finding a partner for eternity, I wonder if there is one soul out there who is just perfect for me. When conversing with older friends who are unmarried and want to be, I hear things like “just be patient, he is out there, you just haven’t found him yet” or “once you see her, you’ll know.” Thinking about these comments it makes me wonder if they really believe that here is one person out there waiting to find them? On the topic of soul mates. Is there such a destiny as a soul mate? In our culture, we believe it to be a good idea to pray to God before joining in matrimony. “Is he the one for me?” “is she the one I have been waiting for?” but I wonder if we are asking God the wrong question? Instead something along the lines of: “is he a good man? Can we find our way together?” “Is she a good match for me?” I think people get wrapped up in finding their one and only soul mate. But frankly I think there is no such thing. Love isn't something that is found or pre destined, love is something that you make. Which brings be to my topic. I believe that love is work, whether it be with your best friend, your mother, your neighbor, or your dog! But, because we are addressing BYU, I thought I would take the significant other - path, because that seems to be a hot topic! I look at people searching for love and I notice lists upon lists of criteria and qualifications! “He has to be taller than me.” “Can she cook?” “Outdoorsy, she has to be able to get her hands dirty!” “He must have facial hair.” “RM.” The list goes on and on. Knowing that whoever you marry will have things you don’t like, doesn't a question like “Does she have a good heart, and do I love her enough to work for her love?” seem like a more realistic point of view? I believe that love is work, dedication and unfailing desire to have on another! Which ties into my point that there is not a single person meant for another. I believe that anyone can fall in love with anyone, as long as they are both willing to put in the effort. Therefore I advise the BYU dating population to relax and be open minded about who they want to date. And understand that God is not going to tell them who to marry, because there is not one single person meant for you! You could be happy with a variety of different partners! It all depends on what you want out of life. Your choices are not as narrow as you believe.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sample Opinion Editorials

On a smaller detail note, I thought the title "A Miniskirt, Even With Leggings, Is Still A Miniskirt" failed to introduce, strengthen, or support her paper. It was relevant to her topic, but she didn't mention a miniskirt once in her paper. She could have chosen a more relevant title. I thought her paper was thought invoking, and persuaded me to be thankful of the circumstances we have now, compared to when she attended BYU her first time. I appreciated that she took an obligation stance rather than a moral stance. She made it more of a regulation to be followed because you agreed to it when you decided to attend the school, instead of a standard of living for those who are holy.

"A Kiss-Less Campus" was an interesting paper. I agree that some people's display of affection is nauseating - some more than others. However, I think she fails to realize that that is is part of life! No matter what college you attend you will see PDA! And frankly she should be thankful that she is at BYU and seeing generally innocent displays of affection.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Opinion Editorial Ideas

Many people undermine golf as being a sport. When people ask me if I play sports and I say golf, often the reaction is "oh," and my reaction is "can YOU play golf?" I think people sneer at golf and don't consider it a sport because it doesn't require extreme physical exertion. It is true that golf can be played by all walks of people not requiring ample physical stamina, however it requires skill and discipline levels that match those of popular sports like basketball, baseball, and football. Golf requires many hours of dedicated practice just as any sport. It takes concentration and  dedication to rules, regulations, techniques etc... Golf requires skill, discipline, physical ability, coordination, flexibility, endurance, emotional control, distance perception, mathematical skills, and much more. Not to mention the patience to play through rain, snow, sleet and hail.

Another thing that frustrates me about today's society, is genetically modified food. Its basically impossible to purchase any meat at any big name grocery store, that hasn't been genetically modified. vegetables aren't even safe. Planters and farmers, now spray pre-immune crops with poison to kill insects and to preserve the plant, although these plants are susceptible to the toxins, and will not die, our bodies are not. While thinking we are eating healthy by consuming fruits and vegetables, we unknowingly are consuming poison, that is slowly killing our bodies, and creating intolerance's like, celiac disease, gluten intolerance and many more. Wheat, flour, sugar, corn, rice, chicken, diary products, beef. all of these are foods that are designed to benefit our bodies and give us energy. In their pure forms, each of these are healthy. However, today citizens have to search out private providers and independent companies to obtain any of these foods that aren't genetically modified, or pumped with toxic preservatives. Often, Because the natural production rate of pure foods is much slower and less in quantity, the prices for these non altered foods, are more expensive, and can therefore only be obtained by those citizens with the money and knowledge of such providers, leaving the majority of people left with cheap toxic food that is slowly damaging our bodies.